Welcome to Jatakaremedies.
We are an experienced team of Vedic astrology remedies. Our institute was established in 2019, and we have been performing these remedies for the past five years. We served many clients during the COVID-19 emergency. These remedies can save lives and remove obstacles for the perfect future you want to lead. Our primary mentor is Mrs Madhavi Sharma of MSastrology. Her invaluable guidance is the key to performing these remedies according to the client's requirements.
మేము వేద జ్యోతిష్య రెమెడీస్ యొక్క అనుభవజ్ఞులైన బృందం. మా ఇన్స్టిట్యూట్ 2019లో స్థాపించబడింది మరియు మేము గత ఐదేళ్లుగా ఈ రెమెడీస్ సేవలను అందిస్తున్నాము. COVID-19 ఎమర్జెన్సీ సమయంలో మేము చాలా మంది క్లయింట్లకు సేవ చేసాము. ఈ నివారణలు జీవితాలను రక్షించగలవు మరియు మీరు దారితీయాలనుకుంటున్న పరిపూర్ణ భవిష్యత్తు కోసం అడ్డంకులను తొలగిస్తాయి. మా ప్రైమరీ మెంటర్ శ్రీమతి మాధవి శర్మ ఆఫ్ ఎంసాస్ట్రాలజీ. క్లయింట్ యొక్క అవసరాలకు అనుగుణంగా ఈ నివారణలను నిర్వహించడానికి ఆమె అమూల్యమైన మార్గదర్శకత్వం కీలకం.
Jatakaremedies is a powerful and precise path for performing jataka-related remedies, offering an integrated approach that comprehensively addresses the betterment of an individual.
You can contact us for the same bestowing according to the astrologer's instructions and your horoscope results. Human life is a complicated system, and our karma starts before we are born or step foot in this universe. Our life journey begins in the mother's womb.
According to the Vedas, our birth on earth is decided by our previous births' sanchita and prarabdha karma, which we carry physically in "Maya" for around nine months. After our physical presence in this universe out of Mother's womb or Maya, God transfers our responsibility to the planets and stars who keenly observe every movement of our life linked to time

About us
What is the actual purpose of remedies? Knowing the present birth karma and doing remedies are the platforms for being good and doing good; every karma affects us physically and mentally in a good or bad way. The excellent way makes us do good deeds and bad experience makes us feel negative. The amount of negative energy accumulates when we are not avoiding it as it should be. In the Vedas, the remedial part was introduced in different ways, starting from simple life techniques like pranayama asanas, doing various rituals like chanting the moola or beeja mantra of the planet for specific numbers, and wearing gemstones, etc.
In the above methods, the best approach is to chant moola or beeja mantra or slokas for the planet several times as per the planet Dasa and Antar Dasa by a learned Brahmin doing different samskaras daily.
Another method is individually performing homam for a particular planet in an auspicious place. All the above are done with mantras and sankalapa included in it.
The third method is giving daanam to a learned priest who is also a great devotee of God for that particular plant in sufficient quantities.
In all these, all the nine planets represent different forms or represent other elements on earth, and they are either living things, non-living objects, etc.